My Oxygen Region is East Germany...

Monday, November 27, 2006

Fall Activities

We all went to the Fall Bazaar at the Waldorf school and Bella got to do several activities. Here she shows a display she made. She also saw a live band made up of the students there and she really enjoyed it. She got up in front and danced and clapped and generally had a good time hanging out with the big kids.
On Sunday we took a walk through the park. We found a giant leaf and Bella models it here.
Here she holds the leaf up to show it off.
Bella decided to get a tiny leaf for comparison.
Once we got to the playground Bella got down to business and mama took this artistic shot.
Bella was very busy making cakes at the playground and they were quite delicious!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

The Cutting Edge of Fashion in Leipzig

Bella show us the card she made with her name on it in art class. This was part of yet another fashion show with her new sweater.
Just too cute - what can we say?
No comment.
Here is Bella in a favorite outfit. Notice the purse (carefully packed with essential items), the doll Trois and the lei. What more could you ask for?

Below Bella demonstrates yet again the fine art of HIDING, this time behind her name card.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Fashion Show

We had a little dressup fashion show the other night and Bella tried on many special outfits from her wardrobe. Here she is looking particularly suave in her evening attire.

As part of the fashion show, Bella tried on a fancy dress and actually stood still long enough for this shot.
Here Bella shows one of her favorite hats while being silly.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Fall Hijinks

Bella decided to help Papa exercise and to test to see whether or not he is completely out of shape. We call these "tootups" and they are very difficult. Papa could only do 2 or 3...
There isn't a whole lot more to say about this candid shot. Someone likes to pose for the camera!
Here are the Dynamic Duo, aka Bella & Neave about town in Leipzig. These two photos are complimentary. We couldn't get one with both of them looking up. Here Neave is featured while Bella observes something very interesting on the ground.
This one features Bella while Neave looks down.
This picture and the one below were found on our camera by accident. They are from Bella's trip to Prague with Grand Mere and Mama. They were so cute we had to include them. Here she is enjoying a banana on the train.
Here Bella can be seen in Prague refreshing herself with her favorite water bottle.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Message for April from a crafty elf

Bella took time out of her busy schedule (see Christmas present sweat shop below) to write a message for our friend April. April has just had another surgery in her battle with cancer and we wanted to wish her a speedy recovery. You can find a link to her blog at the right; it is very interesting and informative - Bella recommends it!
Here Bella shows April her favorite new skill - hiding - at which she is now an expert.
Bella has been spending time on new art projects that will eventually be Christmas presents. Don't look too hard - some of these may be for you! She enjoys gluing, painting, gluing, drawing, gluing & gluing. We hope you like glue.

Here is another shot of Bella hard at work.

Friday, November 03, 2006

More Pics for the Restless Natives

Maestro, if you please. Bella decided to dress herself after some carrot juice and gloves were an indespensible accessory, even inside.
Bella & Neave at art class, making leaf paintings.
This busy bee is actually Neave wearing Bella's costume from last year.
We were lucky enough to spot a dancing bear while out wandering the neighborhood.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Halloween & More Halloween

Usually the horse pulls the wagon, but this time it was pushing! Neave gets a tour of the apartment compliments of Bella.
Bella's friend Neave came over on halloween and so we had both a horse and a lion in our apartment at the same time. Fortunately, they got along just fine.

Bella's favorite passtime these days is HIDING. Here she is hiding from papa on the sidewalk. It may not look like the best hiding place to you and me, but she thought it was perfect.

Bella dressed up as, among other things, a horse this halloween. Here she is out on the town with Trois, who is incognito as a zebra.