Croatia IV
I just had to post another picture of Bella enjoying the sun at a pebble beach. We rented bikes and rode over to this beach, which was family-oriented. We had a very good time and got to see the other side of the island, which was perhaps the most beautiful area of all.
Here is Bella on our first "pirate" boat trip. We went to the island of Susak, which has only about 150 inhabitants and no cars. Oddly enough, most Susakians have migrated to Hoboken, NJ. Go figure.
This is a view of the other side of Susak island where no people live. Papa went over the hill and saw this boat just relaxing in the water.
I call this one Secret Agent Toot. Bella is wearing Papa's hat and Mama's goggles.
Here Bella tries the goggles on by themselves. She loved these things.
Bella had to have her hair washed on the trip, which she was not happy about. Here she relaxes afterward on the balcony.