Happy Birthday Mimi!...well, belated...

On Grandmere's birthday we were getting ready to take a few fashion shots of Bella wearing the pink and Black dress that she sent. Unfortunately, Bella fell and hit her face on the bookshelf that evening and we didn't want to "push it" by requesting that she wear a dress. Instead Brian and Bella made a poster. Bella dictated what to write to papa and then decorated it with an abstract, avant-garde piece entitled "dadadadadadadadadadadada", which translated, roughly means "I think you'd better check my diaper".
Today was Bella's last day of Music class...we have a bit of a break before the next semester begins on Feb. 2nd. A photographer came to class today and took a ton of photos of all of the babies in action. We get th ephotos next week! Bella brought her doll to class...and Brian was also able to come today since it was a special day. After her afternoon nap, Bella's friend Lili came over to play. They had so much fun dancing and playing with musical instruments.