My Oxygen Region is East Germany...

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Our Saturday Afternoon

We just returned from the Gewandhaus. The Gewandhaus is Leipzig's orchestra hall. Today there was a special concert for families...meaning that while the world-famous orchestra played selections from Mozart, babies and small children could feel free to add their two cents. Bella clapped, screamed, flirted with senior citizens and mostly enjoyed the vastness of the Gewandhaus. She even fell asleep during "The Rites of Spring." What a peaceful life?


At 12:23 PM, Blogger snowmermaid said...

I have a feeling making music, dancing to music, & music appreciation is being cultivated in Bella which is befitting the town she began life in
with all the music history!
Keep a keen eye out for the DHL truck bearing a Bella Birthday Box sent global express delivery!(music instruments enclosed for Bella, too.)

At 4:06 PM, Blogger snowmermaid said...


I have a feeling making music, dancing to music, & music appreciation is being cultivated in Bella which is befitting the town she began life in
with all the music history!
Keep a keen eye out for the DHL truck bearing a Bella Birthday Box sent global express delivery!(music instruments enclosed for Bella, too.)

12:23 PM

At 12:24 PM, Blogger Bella Nixe said...

The package arrived today!


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